Trained Tactical Alliance Clan Forum
Welcome to the official |TTA|Clan Forum,
Please Register or Login to vieuw all sections of the forum/comment.


If you have any questions you can contact the supremes on Xfire

Altair: Matus0810
Navigator: Cezarion93

If you are a new member and told to register here, please make a post in the "new member announcements" in the "general" base.
Trained Tactical Alliance Clan Forum
Welcome to the official |TTA|Clan Forum,
Please Register or Login to vieuw all sections of the forum/comment.


If you have any questions you can contact the supremes on Xfire

Altair: Matus0810
Navigator: Cezarion93

If you are a new member and told to register here, please make a post in the "new member announcements" in the "general" base.

HomePortalLatest imagesRegisterLog inClan Rules
These are the Clan Announcements, make sure to read them everyday!
All members of |TTA| HAVE TO wear clan tags.
You can read the |TTA| Clan Rules HERE
Are you a new member ? Click Here To introduce you !
Join the |TTA| Xfire Clan Here

TTA Clan Rules

TTA Official Clan Rules

Rules Last Updated--: 23/06
For Reason----------: Minor changes
Update by-----------: |TTA|Sinner
Rule authors--------: Sinner, Altair, FoxX, Diablo, bahamut Zero
Coded/designed By---: Sinner
Note----------------: Some Rules might be mentioned twice, this is because we dont want a brief explanation of the clan rules.
These rules are very important and we feel that you should understand every bit of them


Post all complaints/Rants/compliments/suggestions/etc... in the "suggestions" section

Read Forumotions' Terms of service Here
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- Table of Content -

1. General Rules
1.1 Rude Language
1.2 Discrimination
1.3 Double-Clanning

2. Rules For Admins
3. Rules For Recruiters
4. Forum Rules
5. Rules For Forum Admins
6. Name Rules
7. TeamSpeak Rules
8. Jaymod Specific server rules


1. General Rules

a) No Spawncamping although Light weapon-Spawnkilling is allowed.
b) No Trickjumping to objective
c) No Team Poison or Team Bleeding
d) No Voice Chat Spamming
e) No General Spam
f) No Advertising
g) Respect Everybody on the server, this includes admins and donators as well as pubbers.
h) No Self-Kill Spamming
i) No Server Flooding
j) No racismt, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or any other discriminating behaviour towards others
k) No offensive names
l) No Disrespectful Language
m) Do NOT enable sniperwar or panzerwar, too much problems have occured in the future (nobody turning it off usually) so we no longer allow it. There are some exeptions for high admins (20+) but all the rest cant do it

[Other General Information]

1.1 Rude Language

- I'm sure evryone knows what rude language is, but telling wat passes as rude and what doesn't can sometimes be confusing. Some clans will let you swear and curse but that can lead to alot of arguements as people start to thinm swear words are directed at them so we take a better approach and do not allow swearing of any kind in TTA servers or forums. We can however compensate for if you are having a bad day and you get onto E.T wanting a nice game with friends and people start on you that your probably going to get annoyed. If you are feeling down then alot of the time the best thing to do is either tel them your feeling a bit down, upset or angry and it would be best to just let you play.

If people continue to annoy you the best thing would be to just leave it or if they are saying things that are out of line then !mute them but remember to unmute them within a space of 1-10 minutes or it can turn into abuse.

On the other hand if someone does swear give them a warning simply by saying (name) watch the language. From now on there will only be one warning, then if they swear again a 2 minute mute, if they do it again a kick, then if again you ban them for 10 minutes, if they come back and swear again 90 minutes and after that if they still do it just permanantly ban them.

Some clans tolerate swearing others don't but we find the best way in TTA is just to not swear.

Say if you got shot on TTA Server and you were to say Damn, this does not count as cursing/swearing as its just saying your a little disappointed someone found you or maybe even saying something like "Damn Nice Shot" then it would be acceptable as you are thanking them.

If a new player comes in and starts swearing they may not know it isn't aloud so no need for a warning just tell them its not aloud, however if they continue after you have told them then the warn, mute, kick and ban process starts.

End Result: The End Result depends on how far the person decides to take it, if they keep swearing then the punishments will get worse. If it is a TTA member we will be far more stricter as you should know by now it is not aloud.

1.2 Discrimination

- Discrimination or in simpler terms having a go at someone for a reason that is injust or wrong. The main areas of Discrimination are Racial, Sexual, Personal, Political.

This can range from insulting someone because of their Skin Colour or there Sexuality or Gender, to having Personal issues and insulting someones country in a Racial way.

Discrimination will not be tolerated in TTA and we do urge members being discriminated against to speak up and talk to the Owners and Server Leaders for help. Any major discrimination will be passed up to Owners and even Supremes and if it does reach me I will be kicking the offender from the clan as this is a very bad rule to break.

End Result: Being Banned From The Clan.

1.3 Double Clanning

Double Clanning is when you have joined 2 clans atthe same time. We do not tolerate this in TTA and if you are found out Double Clanning which you will be it will end up with a permanant ban. Most other clans will not telerate this either and if you are caught by us we will contact the other clan and give them sufficient infromation to ban you for double clanning aswell.

So you will effectively be banned from both clans as an end result which makes it a completely useless thing to do.

End Result: Permanant Ban.


2. Rules for Admins

a) Dont abuse your powers, this includes randomly splatting, pants-ing, flining, throwing and other-ing people
b) Be chillax, keep in mind that people are (many of them are) in the server to have fun. so dont go spectator trying to catch everyone with anything that they might do wrong. Admins are players who need to enjoy playing the game just as much as a level 0 player does. this is Wolfenstein, not catch-the-abuser/hacker-stein
c) Some basic rules you need to know, walljumping isnt allowed, trickjumpis IS allowed, you CAN spawnkill with light weapons, you CANT spawnkil with heavy weapons, just the basic knowledge all the admins should have really


3. Rules For Recruiters

a) Before a tryout, the player must have at least 500xp+, the player must be set level 5 "|TTA|Trainee" so the recruiters can see who is going for member
b) To pass the tryout, the person needs at least 1.5/1 k/d ratio and 30+ accuracy. they may not use arty, adre or support fire during the tryout
c) In order to pass the tryout, a basic knowledge of the english language is needed (after all were an english clan)
d) After they passed the tryout, they are given level 6 and are told to register on the forum within 2 days. they are free to introduce themself in the "new members" post
e) New members must play at least 2 hours a week (unless a good reason is given), if not they will be demoted.
f) You can only recruit of you have the "setlevel" command
g) you can only promote upto 3 levels under your own admin level
h) you can only promote by 1 level each week
i) Only the members of the AAT and above can demote
j) All promotions for the levels 11+ should be discussed with the higher admins first


4. Forum Rules

a) No double posting in any way
b) No spam
c) No offensive posts
d) Dont make stupid/useless posts
e) Dont flame/write offensive posts
f) Always post in the right section
g) Dont post only to get your post count up
h) All general rules apply


5. Rules for forum admins

a) Make sure all OLD and outdated posts will get deleted, only lock outdated posts if they have to be read by several more people
b) Make sure that there is no forum-related rulebreaking present in the territory were you are moderator of
c) If you see anyone flaming, spamming or other, please remove the message and warn the person of this
d) Be helpfull, if you see a post that has been posted in the wrong section, move it. If you are not authorised to move it, please forward this to a higher admin and he will move it for you. Also inform the person who posted wrong of his mistake (DONT go flaming at him for this as it may cost you your rank)
e) Dont abuse your rank, deleting/editing or removing random posts is NOT allowed. If you get caught your account will be issued with a punishment
f) Be active on the forums
g) Respect everyone
h) Dont use/allow the use of an overload of smilies in a post, this is EXTREMELY irritating.
60 Smilies in a row to express how happy you are are NOT allowed
i) Make sure your sections are clean, dont let it fill up with hundreds of posts that give you no valuable information, apply .a) to solve this
j) Dont make poll's/allow the creation of polls last an infinite amount of time, Outdated polls won't help us with anything


6. Name/namechange Rules

a) You cannot Change your name too often
b) Name should not contain offensive language/meanings of any kind
c) Names May be as long as you wish, as long as we can see your scrim tags/aat tags


7. TeamSpeak Rules

a) Do Not spam the teamspeak server, use the "push-to-talk" button
b) Be polite
c) Talk comprehensible
d) Only Enlgish in teamspeak!
e) Dont Change Channels too often, you will get kicked for 5 minutes automatically
f) If you are going AFk, join the AFK channel
- You can Download Teamspeak Here
- You Can learn how to use/Set Up TeamSpeak Here


8. |TTA|Warfare Server specific rules

Read the warfare rules Here

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