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 Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert

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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|

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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyFri May 15, 2009 7:35 am

I was thinking about making a guide but I couldnt think of what subject ...
Alot of people have been asking me if I could give them some advise or hints ... well so I thought I'd just make a guide about ET Very Happy Smile
This guide contains hints, tips and advice for everyone, I guess you all know most of the tips and stuff but Im hoping atleast some people can get some advice from this and I hope it will help them.
I should learn for my Exams but I got bored so I did this ...

1. - General hints - Hints and Tips for all maps. <---- The part that could be usefull
2. - Classes and their weapons - Info about Classes and weapons. <---- The part thats way to long and you most likely already know.

1. - General stuff:
Well lets first talk about stuff that counts for every map and class. these hints are mainly to improve your overal tactics and playing style.
1.1 - Teamwork: Teamwork is the key to victory, If you cant get somewere? ask a teammate to help you reach your goal. You shouldnt care to much about killstealing ... just steal the next kill off your teammate next time eh? Look at what other teammates have for classes and try to pick a class your team needs - For example: If your team needs an Engi or Field ops dont pick a Soldier xD
1.2 - Lean: Leaning around walls, corners and objects will allow you to see enemie's aproach befor they see you, giving you a chance at first strike and thus an advantage.
1.3 - Kill your lag!: Killing your lag is a great idea if your screen freezes and suddenly your dead all the time. there are alot of way's to prevent lag: try commands like /rate 25000 - /cl_maxpackets 100 - /snaps 400 --- Also try not to have any big programs and downloads running while playing.
1.4 - Have a fun time: Having a fun time usualy makes me play better and just ... have a good time - When Im angry or frustrated I play bad and die alot making me more angry and frustrated ... So just talk to people, be friendly and have a good time.
1.5 - Turn on sound: Turn on your sound volume! It will allow you to hear enemie's aproach giving you an advantage, also this gets me into the game making me play alot better.
1.6 - Learn enemie tactics: See how your opponents play and what tactics they use and try to think of a way to counter their evil plans.
1.7 - Take a different route: If you are unable to reach something because the path is blocked and heavaly guarded, try to think of a different way or route to reach your goals like a tunnle or side route.
1.8 - Move: Move Move Move! Always keep moving! dont stand still or you will be an easy target.
1.9 - Teamchat and Team Vsay's:Use teamchat and team Vsay's to let your team know where the enemie is. This way your team can have an advantage and its easyr to get backup when needed. A part of Teamwork!.

2. - Classes and their Weapons
In this section I wanted to talk about ETs classes, their weapons, ability's and tactics.

2.1 - Soldiers
Panzer, Flamethrower, Mobile MG-42, Mortar
2.2 - Medics
Mp-40/Tompson, m97
2.3 - Engeneer
2.4 - Field ops
Artilery, Airstrikes
2.5 - Covert Ops
Sten, FG-42, M1-Garand/Silenced K43
2.6 - Others
Akimbo Pistols, granade, Knife, Moltove

2.1 Soldiers
Soldiers are Frag macheines! The only class that can use Heavy Weapons (other than MG adn tank MG) allowing them to deal some realy good damage and at higher levels they are able to carry both Heavy weapons and an SMG at the same time.
But other than dealing damage and killing fast they dont have other ability's or advantages like other classes.

Stats: Minimum max HP: 110 - Maximum max HP: 125 - Minimum spawning ammo: 60 - Maximum spawing ammo: 90
Can Use: Mp-40/Tompson/M97/Luger/Colt/Akimbo/Panzer/Flamethrower/Mobile MG-42/Mortar/(venom)

- Heavy weapons = Great damage
- Can use Moltove for even more damage
- Can use Heavy weapons and SMG

- Medium Health
- No special ability's

Rate: 2.5/5

2.1.1: Panzerfaust: A slow weapon 1 shot weapon
Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill, 10 for destroying a tank or truck
- Can 1 shot people
- Can kill/damage multiple people at once

- You only have 1 Shot (2 at soldier lvl 5)
- You can only fire once every 30 seconds (at Soldier lvl 0/1)
- Only 4 ammo

- Try to double jump befor shooting to evade enemie bullets
- Try to hit the ground or walls Under/next to your target - Trying to hit someone directly misses easyly and blocks damage for enemie's behind him.

How to kill Panzers:
- Make use of their disadvantage by double jumping right when you hear the Beeezzzp. (If you evade that one shot you have the advantage)
- Hide behinde something to evade the panzer
- It takes some luck but try to get behinde them.
- Kill them befor they can fire - Only posible if they have low health, 3 headshots, the panzer guy has slow reaction speed or you have a different weapon than SMG.

Rate: 3.5/5 (Personaly: Rate: 1/5 xD

2.1.2: FlameThrower: A short range mass killing weapon.
Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill
- Easy to kill multiple people
- Deals alot of damage
- Easy to recover ammo (1 box)
- Enemie's still burn a few seconds afther getting hit. (sometimes you can get an extra kill even if you die first)

- Can only be used for short range.
- Only usefull in Tunnles and narrow passages.

- Try to make it hard for your enemie to see you through flames
- Try to burn 2 people at once instead of 1 at a time

How to kill Flame:
- Take your distance and shoot them from there
- Try to get behinde them

Rate: 3/5

2.1.3 Mobile MG-42: A bad aiming Fast shooting MG.
Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill - Deals 20 damage each hit and no Headshot bonus.
- Has a very fast rate of fire
- Can be used to defend spawns or passages
- Hard to take down from front

- Cannot move when deployed.
- Very long reload
- Can only reload when clip is empty
- Can hardly hit annything when not deployed
- Realy bad aim from long distance
- Can overheat

- Find a good place to Deploy it at a point where enemie's come from front and aint likely to get you from behinde.
- While not deployed dont try to take enemie's down with the Mobile MG you will be better of with your Luger/colt or better a akimbo.

How to kill an MG:
- Get a Sniper from long range
- Get yer Knife and stab them in the back.
- And a harder one: Take a SMG or sten shoot a headshot and duck and cover, wait a second or 2 and fire a headshot again ... continue this untill S / he is dead.

Rate: 3.5/5

2.1.4 Mortar: A slow long range, hard to aim piece of junk iron of pure destruction:
Exp: Heavy Weaps: 3 per kill, 10 for destroying a tank or truck
- Deals even more damage than the panzerfaust. (2 shels can take out a tank)
- Once you know were to aim you can take down enemie's without risking to get killed.

- Hard to aim with.
- If an enemie comes close your as good as dead
- Needs an Field ops to supply ammo or you need to run to an ammo box all the time.

use your mouse to change the Altitude and Azimuth (east-west) of the shot Left click to fire.
When you do so, hit G to bring up the map and search for where your shot landed
(the target), adjusting accordingly. The yellow circles are where field-ops
have called artillery. Note that 10 degrees = 1 square on the map, and that you
cannot hit indoor areas. Also, if anything is in the flight path, it will mark
the shot there, so take note if your coming up way short.
(I got this part from Internet:

How to kill an Mortar:
- Stab them in the back or blast off their heads ... the only hard thing about killing them is getting close enough to hit.

Rate: 2/5

2.2 Medics
Phew finaly done with Soldier ... next up: Medics! Medics are the spine of your team! the people that will charge to the front and break a hole in your enemie's defences and afther that charge back to heal themselfs and you!
Stats: Minimum max HP: 134 - Maximum max HP: 151 - Minimum spawning ammo: 30 - Maximum spawing ammo: 60
Can Use: Mp-40/Tompson/M97/Luger/Colt/Akimbo

- Most Health off all classes!
- Can heal and revive people

- Low amount of ammo
- Cant use Moltoves or other weapons like it.
- Lesser amount of Granades

Rate: 4/5

2.2.1 MP-40/Tompsons - SMG: The standart weapon for all classes exept Covert Ops and ofc my most used weapon Smile
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 per headshot kill
Damage: 18 body, 50 head

- If you know how to fire Headshots one of the most usefull and powerfull weapons in the game.
- Can fire long befor having to reload and cant Overheat. (Compared to other guns)
- Can Carry a nice amount of ammo
- Can be used in all sorts of situations and combats

- You need to be good with it for it to be realy strong.
- Has alot of flaws if your Light Weapons is 0.

- Practise Headshots Headshots and Headshots!
- Take a short (1 second) break betweek each 10-15 shots the longer you fire without doing this the more your bullets will spread making your aim less.
- For long range combats fire about 4-5 rounds each time and afther that take a break - Same reason as above.
- In combat if your about to lose or have to reload dive befond a wall or object - your opponent will usualy whaste 4-5 bullets and you get the time to reload/heal or prepair - If your lucky you opponent will reload ... if he does pick your akimbo and take him out.

How to kill SMG?:
- Depends on what weapon you use most of my "How to kill" hints are based on SMG so use above hints.

Rate: 4.5/5

2.2.2 M97: Also known as: The Shotgun - A mainly Short range heavy damage dealer.
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per kill.
- Realy good damage from short range.
- Can take out someone in 1-2 shots if shot from close range.

- Damage is low from longer range.
- Fire rate is slow.
- Has a very long reload time.

- Try to get close befor letting them know your there.
- Hide behinde a wall and suprise your opponent with 20 bullets in them.
- Take a soldier with SMG and M97 for a nice combination or a medic for the extra health.

How to kill an M97:
- Run back and take them down from a distance.
- Get close Double Jump and run around them, evade and confuse them but watch out you dont get hit from so close.
- Bash a Nade in their face. (KAMIKAZE!)
[color=orange]Rate: 3/5

2.3 Engeneers
Yush that was Medic ... next is: Engeneers! Engeneers are maybe the most important part of your team so protect them! They are the ones that need to do your objective or prevent your opponent from doing theirs - Plant Dynomights, Place mines and give your opponents a rain of nades and moltvs.
Stats: Minimum max HP: 110 - Maximum max HP: 125 - Minimum spawning ammo: 60 - Maximum spawing ammo: 90
Can Use:M4-Garand/Mp-40/Tompson/M97/Luger/Colt/Akimbo

- Alot of Granades and ammo!
- Can plant mines and dynomights.
- Can use moltoves

- You have to be buisy with Objective alot of the time ...

Rate: 4/5

2.3.1 K43/M4-Garande aka Nade thrower: Fire a nade and blast away you opponents! .
Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 headshot kil.l (both unscoped)
Engineering: 3 per riflenade kill, 10 for destroying tank.
36 body, 80 headshot. Rifle Grenades are just like normal Grenades damage.

- Realy good damage from nades.
- Can take out someone from long range with the nades.
- Can be used to train Engi levels.

- If your nade misses you have a disadvatage because Nade thrower is overal weaker than SMG without the nades
- Can only reload when the clip is empty. (Allied only)
- Rifle nades cost you your energie bar.

- Try to take them out with your first nade or atleast deal alot of damage.
- If your shot misses its sometimes best to scroll back to akimbo.
- Rifle Nades can bounce on walls and the gound ... use this to your advantage!
- Watch out afther you placed a dynomight, constructed something or planted a mine you wont be able to shoot a rifle nade for some time because your energie bar will be empty!

How to kill an Garand:
- Evade the nade with a double Jump afther that its usualy not that hard to kill them.

Rate: 3/5

Last edited by |TTA|Bahamut Zero|RD'O| on Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:18 pm; edited 22 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed a few spellings mestakes)
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Continued   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyFri May 15, 2009 7:35 am

2.4 Field Ops
alright: Field ops!! Masters of mass destrustion spawning airstrikes and arty's all over the map while supplying your team with ammo.
Stats: Minimum max HP: 110 - Maximum max HP: 135 - Minimum spawning ammo: 60 - Maximum spawing ammo: 90
Can Use:Arty/Airstrikes/Mp-40/Tompson/M97/Luger/Colt/Akimbo

- Can kill many enemie's with arty's and airstrikes
- Has endless ammo
- Can use moltoves
- Can block routes with Arty's.

- Not strong without arty and airstrikes - Not the best choise for 1 on 1.
- Runs out of Energie fast

Rate: 3.5/5

2.4.1 Artillery: Boom! .
Signals: 4 exp per kill, 5 for destroying tank/truck
- Can block paths and
- Can take out tanks and prevent engi's from repairing the tanks

- Can only be spawned at one spot at a time
- Costs alot of energie
- Can only be used outside

- Try to spawn them on points were alot of enemies need to get past
- Try to keep the path blocked all the time without breaks
[color=violet]How to kill an Arty:
- You cant ... all you can do is: Kill the Field ops and hope the arty will be gone soon xD.

Rate: 4/5

2.4.2 Air Strike!: The evil Can of oblivion .
Signals: 4 exp per kill, 5 for destroying tank/truck
- Can take out a tank or a large group of enemie's in 1 hit
- Can get an entire team fleeing in fear allowing you to get past their defences

- Can only be thrown at one spot at a time
- Costs alot of energie
- Not that hard to evade
- Can only be used outside

- Try to throw them on places alot of opponents come past
- You can sometimes use them to escape from enemie's
- Everyone fears Airstrikes ... use this to you advantage xD
How to kill an Airstrike:
- Again ... You cant kill it ... all you can do is: Kill the Field ops and evade the Strike xD.
(On some servers you are able to kick away the Airstrike - Kick it into a building or somewere else were the Strike cant reach.

Rate: 3/5

2.5 Covert Ops
Covert ops the last one ... FINALY!! Masters desguise, stealthy ninja's, Snipers and a transvestite all in one.
Stats: Minimum max HP: 120 - Maximum max HP: 135 - Minimum and Maximum spawing ammo: Depends on gun - 64/96 for Sten
Can Use:Sten/FG42/Garand(K43)/Luger/Colt/Akimbo

- Can desguise
- Can Snipe from long distance
- Can destroy some bridges, Command posts or other constructions with Sentil Charge
- Can throw Smoke and Poison Granades.

- Disadvantage in close combat as a sniper.

- Desguise Isnt alway's as efective as you like
- Sten recuires practis

Rate: 3/5

2.5.1 Sten: a Medium speed very accurate gun.
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 per headshot kill.
Power: 14 body, 40 head

- The aim is very good wich makes it easy to fire Headshots with it
- Can take out someone from long range easy'r than SMG.
- The gun is silenced and doesnt make much sound

- Damage is lower than other guns
- Can overheat fast
- Needs practis to be good because Headshots is a 100% must.

- Try to shoot in bursts of about 4-6 shots
- Try to gain the advantage over SMGs by making the fight medium-long range
- Getting a desguise could give you a First Strike wich is important with Sten.

How to kill an Sten:
- Make it close combat fighting
- Jump, Strave and Crouch alot to prevent headshots.

Rate: 3/5

2.5.2 FG-42: Fast shooting Machine Gun/Sniper combination.
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 per headshot kill.
15 bodyshot damage, 50 headshot damage
30 sniper bodyshot damage, ? (50-60) sniper headshot damage.

- Can Snipe from a distance
- Can be very powerfull from short range.
- The gun reloads fast

- Has only 20 rounds in each clip so has to reload alot.
- Garend Sniper is better for long range and SMG for Short range.
- Needs practis to be good for short range because Headshots is a 100% must again.
- The gun is not silenced.

- Try to get close and get alot of headshots if your forced into close range combat
- Try to gain the advantage by damageing from long range first befor killing your enemie from short range
- Getting a desguise could give you a First Strike wich is important with FG-42 Just like sten.

How to kill an FG-42:
- Jump, Strave and Crouch alot to prevent getting hit and take him/her out when he has to reload.

Rate: 2.5/5

2.5.3 FG-42: Fast shooting Machine Gun/Sniper combination.
Covert: 3 per non-headshot kill, 5 headshot kill (both scoped)
50 bodyshot and 100 headshot damage

- Can Snipe very nice from a distance
- The gun reloads fast.
- Can zoom in/out 8 times.
- The gun is silenced

- Weak in close range combat.

- Try to get a nice spot to sniper from and change spots every now and than to prevent enemie's from finding out were you are.
- Try to gain the advantage by damageing from long range first befor your enemie get close
- If enemie's get close take akimbo.

How to kill an Garand:
- Take a sniper and Snipe them befor they Snipe you.
- Get close and shoot them/stab them (They have a huge disadvantage against SMGs in close range (deuh)

Rate: 4/5

2.6 Others
Others are weapons used by all (or multiple) classes - I added MP-40 and M97 to Medic because otherwise Medic part would be realy short and that would suck xD.

2.6.1 Akimbo: Dual wielded Lugers or Colts - Double the guns Double the fire power and double the reload time.
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per non-headshot kill,5 per headshot kill (like you need it)
18 damage, 50 headshot

- Can be very powerfull for short range.
- Could be usefull for longer range.
- Deals nice damage.

- Reload time is ... way to long
- Runs out of ammo fast
- The gun is silenced as covert ops.

- Try to get close and get alot of headshots.
- Try to get behinde a wall while reloading
- Try to fire bursts of 5-6 shots
- From longer range: Bursts of 2 shots.

How to kill an Akimbo:
- Same way as every other close range weapon -> Jump, Strave and Crouch alot to prevent getting hit and take him/her out when he has to reload.

Rate: 3.5/5

2.6.2 Granade - Small hand thrown bombs of destruction.
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per kill, 10 for destroying tank or truck
5 to take out a tank, can instagib someone too close, and will deal considerable splash damage.

- Can be thrown to places you expect enemie's to be
- Can be timed to hit the enemie right in his face = insant death Smile
- Deals nice damage in an area!.

- Not usefull in combat - Only at start of combat
- Takes time to throw/ Time them
- Your vulnerable while holding/throwing them.
- Its 1 shot, Miss= Whasted.

- Try to get enemie's by suprise by timing a nade opening a door and throwing it right infront of them
- Try to take cover while throwing them
- Dont hit yourself ....

How to kill an Nade:
- Timed: Jump back to reduce the damage or behinde a wall if posible.
- Untimed: Charge in front to get the enemie while hes changing guns and is vulnerable .

Rate: 3/5

2.6.3 Knife - Metal Pointy knifes with a sheep inside of it somehow....
Exp: Light Weaps: 3 per kill
Power: 10 damage, 20 if your Covert, 108 backstab.

- Ultimate weapon for backraping Very Happy Sneak, stab and kill
- Can be used to destroy objects and corpse gibbing without whasting ammo
- Knife war = lol.

- You get a cool sheep sound everytime you kill someone BAAAAAH
- Not usefull in combat
- Draw your knife against someone with a gun and ... your dead
- Dont use exept for killing corpses and backstabbing ...

- Hints ... ... ... Dont use exept for killing corpses and backstabbing ...
- Yell BAAAAAAH if you kill someone with a knife (Baaaah = sheep).

- Backstabbing with a knife is hard, but if you get the chance it will save some ammo
How to kill an knife:
- Shoot him with a gun
- Blow him up with a nade
- Draw your knife and stab him back
- Put up your sound volume to hear enemie's befor they can stab you.

Rate: 1.5/5

2.6.3: Moltove: An inferno in a bottle.
Exp: (I do not know, I will edit as soon asI find out.)
- Deals great damage
- Can kill/damage multiple people at once

- Can block off passages for enemie players for a few seconds.
- Its slow ... very slow
- You only have 3 moltoves max with you.
- Harder to aim than a granade

- Try to double jump befor throwing to evade enemie bullets and to look over your own flames to locate your enemie.
- Try to hit the ground or walls Under/next to your target - Trying to
hit someone directly misses easily.
- If you are in a 1 on 1 with Moltoves try to surround the enemie with flames.
- Hold down your mouse button a while befor throwing if you throw it right away the aim will be less and it will throw less far.
How to kill moltove coctail users:
- Retreat a while so S / He whastes a few moltoves without hitting you.
- Jump away from fire to avoid damage.
- It takes some luck but try to get behinde them but try.
Let a allied player get burned by the moltoves and kill the enemie while hes out of moltoves xD

Rate: 4/5

Alright that was my lame "Little" way to long guide about ... stuff
Let me know what you think

If you want to change anything or have any suggestions please comment and I will Edit this

-->> Yea this post had to be in 2 parts because its to long :O
-->> Yes i know most of this stuff is realy basic ... but I was hoping maybe someone will learn something from it ...

Last edited by |TTA|Bahamut Zero|RD'O| on Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:27 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : See above post)
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyFri May 15, 2009 8:21 am

wow bahmut!
NIIICEEE Job But u Are Right Almost All In Here Knows Almost Evry 1 But NICE worK!!it will help to newbs Razz santa santa santa
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyFri May 15, 2009 10:15 am

Yea I know xD
i made this just for fun ... "fun" ... -,-;

And who knows ... maybe someone will have a use for it

And Thank you Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyFri May 15, 2009 11:14 am

and there is somethink that should be edited.....TEXT IN BLACK......hard to read xD
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyFri May 15, 2009 11:30 am

hahah xD edited .. xD The How to kill text is now in pink/violet xD

Please people:
If you have a suggestion, want to have something changed, would like to have something add or annything else
Post it here and I will change it for you.
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PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyMon May 18, 2009 10:22 am

Lawl You surely put a lot of work in your guides, thanks a lot BAHA

Lets hear it for BAHAMUT ! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyTue May 19, 2009 10:55 am


Congrats Bahamut keep it up cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyTue May 19, 2009 3:03 pm

in 2.5
Ur rate is 3/5/5 =P
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyTue May 19, 2009 3:12 pm

Alright Smile Thank you for telling me


(-> If annyone has a suggestion, Idea, and extra hint, see a mestake or do yuo want something changed please let me know)
My origonal idea was to add maps ... like the objectives, tactics, hints, good camp spots XD so if you have a good Idea on how to do this and what information to put about a map please share it with me and Ill see if I can make it.

(((((--> Next Idea: Scrimming guide - Scrimming rules, hints and stuff ... but I will need help from someone for that)))))
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyMon Jul 06, 2009 6:31 am

why do is there a guide for Panzer ? O_o
how hard is it to no thet you have to click for a OP BOOM! Question
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|
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|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA|

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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert EmptyMon Jul 06, 2009 6:36 am

|TTA|Bahamut Zero|TTA| wrote:

Rate: 3.5/5 (Personaly: Rate: 1/5 xD
But no spammy useless posts please ...
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Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert   Bahamut's guide to becoming a weapon expert Empty

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